Drink Boy goes green
Posted by Jonathan
on 03/31/08
on 03/31/08
Robert Hess, aka Drink Boy, has a regular show on the Small Screen Network called "The Cocktail Spirit". In this epsisode from late last year, he covers absinthe. It is a high quality picture with an excellent example of an absinthe pour. Some comments on the video:
- He obviously made this video before the legalization of absinthe in the United States, as he makes clear in the first comment on the post. But he also talks about absinthe being illegal in Europe as well, which hasn't been true for several years, so I'm not sure exactly when the video was actually made.
- I enjoyed his explanation of the bizarre Czech ritual of burning sugar - the stuff doesn't louche, so they needed a different ritual.
- I wish he would have slowed down on the pour. He makes a good point to pre-soak the sugar cube by letting the first light pour settle in on it. But then I think he pours too fast with his silver-spouted coffee pot and doesn't show off the wonderful louche from the Jade absinthe (Edouard maybe)? I would have poured a little more until the louche started and then zoomed in on it.
But this high quality video is an excellent introduction to absinthe.
The Absinthe Drip - The Cocktail Spirit with Robert Hess
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