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Czech Absinthe - oxymoron?
Posted by Jonathan
on 02/24/07

Is it possible to actually have a real absinthe come from the Czech Republic? For the most part, despite truly popularizing the absinthe "craze" in places like Britain, Czech "absinthe" is anything but. Almost universally deplored by serious absintheurs, Czech absinthe usually doesn't even get the spelling correct (calling itself 'absynth' or 'absinth'), which is a dead giveaway for a bad drink. Another hint is when the marketer insists on touting its thujone content.

But Oliva Absinthe has the patter down, with a colorful, if too neat sounding, history. The recipe looks okay and the marketing hype is muted. We'll report on any early tastings as we hear of them.

Welcome to Oliva Absinth (Oliva Absinthe) where to buy absinthe online. Yes, we make the best Czech absinth (actually, the ONLY authentic Absinthe from the Czech Republic). That's right, the best Absinthe from the Czech Republic. You can't go wrong if you buy absinthe from our online absinthe shop. We also produce the ONLY sparkling absinthe in the world, ever.
Oliva Absinth :: Buy Absinthe Online

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Thank you for the write up. If you have any questions about the product, please go here and send message to me. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

~ by Elliot Novak on 03/05/07 14:43:58

Sorry, I forgot the link I guess:

~ by Elliot Novak on 03/05/07 14:45:24

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