I'm Absinthe, fly me
Posted by Jonathan
on 07/24/06
on 07/24/06
The in-flight magazine for EasyJet, a European economy airline, features an amazingly accurate (for print media) article on finding absinthe in Paris. The writer even does a good job with the thumbnail history sketch. The Vert d'Absinthe shop is featured, as is a wonderful sounding bar at the Café Procope, "the oldest café in the world", complete with chandeliers and absinthe fountains:
But today, dinner or a drink at the Procope is a cheerful affair and the place has a fantastic buzz on a Saturday night. It’s colourfully done out in gilt, red, plush, chandeliers, mirrors, pictures and quaint objets d’art—which, of course, include glittering Absinthe “fountains” .
Our only real nits to pick with the article are its claim that modern absinthes are 40% to 50% alcohol (really more like 60%-75%) and quoting Madame Delahaye with the awful canard about absinthe losing its "mystique" if it should become legalized. For our sake, we are willing to take that chance.
easyJet Inflight June 2006
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Anyone in their right mind would stay away from Le Procope. It was remodeled about 10 years ago and is about as close as you can get to Disneyland without getting on the RER. I suppose from a glass of Absinthe it might be okay for a visit, but the Hotel Fromenton, near Montmarte, is a better choice.