Lucid Absinthe Creator Ted Breaux, In His Own Words | Get to know Lucid Absinthe
Posted by Jonathan
on 03/21/13
on 03/21/13
Another good blog to keep up with general absinthe news (besides InAbsinthia of course!) is Lucid Absinthe's blog. While naturally centered on their brand(s), they also do a good job of more general absinthe news and notes. A recent post featured founder and absinthe chef Ted Breaux in pictures and words, while another one shows a couple classic absinthe-related paintings and quotes, including this beautiful one from Dowson's classic "Absinthia Taetra":
The man had known the obscure night of the soul, and lay even now in the valley of humiliation… But for a little while he had forgotten. - Ernest Downson (1867-1900), “Absinthia Taetra”

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