2 Minutes With Absinthe
Posted by Jonathan
on 03/19/10
on 03/19/10
Very nice interview with Stéphane Ostiguy, of the Dieu Du Ciel! in Montreal. MojoTV talks with him about absinthe, and he pours some La Clandestine.
The Truth About Absinthe - Watch more Funny Videos
(Thanks to @spiritguy for the pointer)

Thanks Alan, that looks like a very nice "how to prepare absinthe" video. And next time I'm in Montreal, I'll be sure to look up the bar!
Cheers, Jonathan. When in Montreal, you may also want to go to
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Stéphane also made this video:
He makes some amazing beer, and his bar was the first in North America to sell La Clandestine. I had the pleasure to meet him in Montreal last week.