In Absinthia Title
Absinthe makes the tart grow fonder. - Dowson
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Posted by Jonathan
on 03/17/10
The Absinthe Drinker

One of Pablo Picasso's most famous paintings, "Portrait of Angel Fernandez de Soto (The Absinthe Drinker)," will be offered up for auction by Christie's in June, with a starting bid of US$40-$60 million. It features de Soto sitting before his absinthe glass, and was painted by Picasso in 1903 during his "blue period". The painting is owned by Andrew Lloyd Weber and the proceeds will go to his charitable organization. The early guessing is that it will approach or even exceed the previous art auction top bid of $104.3 million for a Giacometti sculpture. Sure would look good hanging up in Chez InAbsinthia's massive art gallery. Maybe we should add a Donate button?

Christie's puts record price tag on "key" Picasso

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