AllTop Absinthe
Posted by Jonathan
on 06/17/08
on 06/17/08
Our humble little blog here has been listed on AllTop's Wine page. If you haven't checked it out, I heartily encourage you to surf on over to AllTop. AllTop is one of those blog collectors, but it is set up very nicely, with a clean, sharp UI. A simple front page, broken down into ten major categories, each with subcategory links. Clicking on one of those tacks you to a bunch of subject-related blogs, listing the last few blog posts. Again, the interface is clean and simple, with an overwhelming number of great links.
And in the Wine AllTop page, you'll find us listed. You'll have to scroll down a bit, but you can see us there. Keep a browser tab opened to this page and you will keep abreast of all things wine related, including our little niche here in the absinthe neck of the woods.

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