In Absinthia Title
Absinthe makes the tart grow fonder. - Dowson
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Absinthe Cocktails Book
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Imbibe Absinthe
Posted by Jonathan
on 02/15/08
Imbibe Jan/Feb cover
The cover story for the Jan/Feb issued of Imbibe magazine is absinthe - "Absinthe is Back: Find Out What You've Been Missing". We're still waiting for our copy to show up here at InAbsinthia, but in the meantime, be sure to click the "Take a Peek Inside" link for more info on this cool new magazine.

The author is Paul Clarke, whose Cocktail Chronicles blog is a regular stop of all imbibers. The article has been getting good reviews on the Wormwood Society forums, and not just because they are prominently mentioned inside! Perhaps there is still hope for truly fair and balanced coverage of our controversial green fairy.

Imbibe | The Ultimate Drinks Magazine

Be sure to check out their blog as well:

Imbibe Unfiltered

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