In Absinthia Title
Absinthe makes the tart grow fonder. - Dowson
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Absinthe Charms
Posted by Jonathan
on 06/11/08
Absinthe wine charm
Cool handmade wine "charms" - old-fashioned absinthe posters inside of bronzed, vintage bottle caps! You know, those little things you put around the base of your glass when at an absinthe tasting party, to make sure no one steals a sip from your glass. Be sure to click on the 'absinthe' tag at the bottom for more cool absinthe-related stuff.

Etsy :: tartx :: Absinthe Liquor Wine Beer Martini Drink Charms ids
This set of beautiful, unique and collectible wine and beer glass charm's feature vintage images of vintage illustrations of absinthe liquors.

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