In Absinthia Title
Absinthe makes the tart grow fonder. - Dowson
Michael likes Kubler in Corpse Revivers

We really like this Cocktail Recipe Book

Jonathan quested
for St. George

Absinthe Cocktails Book
There is a Spoon!

Posted by Jonathan
on 03/17/10

According to a DrinkUp NY tweet, there is going to be a free tasting of La Clandestine Absinthe tonight (March 17) from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at their world headquarters in Brooklyn, NY. Looks like La Clandestine's marketing manager and absinthe blogger Alan Moss is going to be there, to lead you in the tasting. We have interviewed Alan before and religiously read his absinthe blog, so we are sure the absinthe will be great, the conversation stimulating and the information clear. Now, if we could only make it to Brooklyn...

@DrinkUpNY tweet announcement

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Posted by Jonathan
on 03/13/10
Tasting With Ted B.
If you happen to live within driving distance of Fresno, California, you're in luck! The Standard is presenting an absinthe tasting with the legendary Ted Breaux, featuring the absinthes of Viridian Spirits, which include such notable absinthes like Lucid, Nouvelle-Orleans and La Clandestine. The fun happens 2:30-5pm on Thursday, March 2525, so get your reservations in now, you lucky dogs!

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