on 03/27/07
This is where you wish you had been - in Pontarlier at the 2006 Absinthiades. We wish we were there too. There still might be time to arrange a trip to the 2007 ones!
Note: Thanks to a note from Alan, we've been corrected and while the photos are from the 2006 Absinthiades, the link is for the June Fête de l'Absinthe à Boveresse, a completely different event. Okay, we'll sign up for both!
Flickr: Louisa Chu's photos tagged with pontarlierThanks to Salsa's Absinthe Blargh for the Flickr link.

on 03/04/07
The 5th Tales of the Cocktail conference in coming up in New Olreans. This year, it is from July 18-22 and promises to be another fun-filled, bar-hopping, cocktail-drinking, good time. See New Orleans and hear talks by legends in the drink-mixing game like David Wondrich, Ted Haigh ("Dr. Cocktail") and Jennifer English. Get your tickets early for Ted Breaux's absinthe talk, as it sold out quickly last year.
Tales of the Cocktail 2007

on 03/01/07

Lion Absinthe Distribution announces Helfrich Verte, the first genuine absinthe to be manufactured in The Netherlands. Helfrich says:
The rich scent, full taste and spring green color can be carried back to the use of carefully selected herbs. These herbs have first been macerated in a high quality base alcohol such as has been applied in the Dutch liquor tradition for centuries. The macerate is being distilled, so that unpleasantly bitter and harsh compounds remain in the still while the desired aroma's find their way into the distillate of Helfrich absinthe.Absinthvertrieb Lion - Helfrich Verte