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Absinthe makes the tart grow fonder. - Dowson
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On Being Absinthe Minded
Posted by Jonathan
on 03/19/13

Absinthe setup
Interesting article on visiting the first "dedicated" absinthe bar in Australia, called The Absinthe Salon in Sydney. She tries 3(!) absinthes and wants to try more, but is dissuaded from that mistake. I don't know about you, but even three absinthes are more than enough for us. But it was a nice selection of absinthes, from Francios Guy to Eichelberger and finally wrapping it up with a favorite here at InAbsinthia, Jade's Edouard.

Thankfully, the writer avoids most of the clichés and correctly describes the process, with nary a mention of flames. It is unfortunate that it uses the absinthe / absent homophone, but what can you do?

Absinthe Minded ~The Secrets to Enjoying Absinthe

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